Tomato soup


Today my friend and fellow master gardener came by to have lunch and just catch up. The original plan was to go out for lunch but here lately all of the restaurants seem overly loud, over priced and under whelming in flavor. I am the first to admit I am very particular about food. Don’t mistake that for meaning I require fancy, gourmet, pedigreed food. I want it fresh, hot and made from scratch with fresh ingredients wherever possible.

In addition , the forecast for today was  Hades HOT! I mean like asphalt melting hot. I have a lovely, shady, screened porch  – much better for conversation and sipping a cold drink.  The bonus is no risk of suffering a  3rd degree burn from the steering wheel or car seat.

We toured the garden, (she was suitably impressed by my tomato plants), sipped some limeade  and enjoyed a leisurely lunch without the heat, crowds, noise or price tag of the local establishments. During our lunch she mentioned she would like to have the recipe for the tomato soup. As it turns out a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup will make her husband fall in love all over again.

Simple, fresh and delicious – add a cucumber salad and a crusty baguette and you have a lovely summer lunch – this one’s for you Cathy.

32 oz chicken or vegetable stock

3 lbs fresh tomatoes, cored, (no need to peel) or 2 lbs canned plum tomatoes

4 oz heavy cream, 8oz if you want it more like bisque ( in the summer I go easy on the cream to make it more light and refreshing)

1 small onion diced

3-4 cloves garlic, smashed or minced

2 TBSP butter or olive oil

2 TBSP dried basil or 2 large handfuls fresh basil

1 tsp dried oregano or 2 TBSP fresh oregano leaves

1/4 tsp black pepper, if you want it spicy try 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

1/2 tsp salt, more or less to taste

Croutons, Parmesan cheese optional

Warm olive oil or butter in the bottom of a stock pot, add the onions and saute over medium heat for 4-5 min until translucent. Add the garlic and saute for an additional 1-2 minutes. Add the stock, tomatoes, herbs and spices. Cover and let simmer for 20-30 minutes until tomatoes are easily mashed with a fork. Remove from heat, if you have an immersion or stick mixer puree thoroughly, otherwise transfer solid ingredients to a blender to puree and return them to the pot. If you find that your soup base has small bits of tomato peel or seed and you would prefer it to be smooth, strain through a fine mesh strainer and return to stock pot. Reheat to simmering when ready to serve, remove from heat and whisk in cream. Ladle into soup bowls and Garnish with croutons as crackers and grated Parmesan cheese.

For a different take remove basil and oregano and add 1 TBSP dried dill weed and 2 ribs of celery, (remove celery after cooking and before you puree), for a lovely tomato dill soup.

Left over soup? No problem, add some left over roast, smoked sausage or chicken,  a bag of frozen mixed vegetables, peel and dice a potato and throw into the pot, add more stock , broth or bullion to cover 1 inch above contents and allow to simmer for about an hour. If you prefer rice omit the potato and add a cup of cooked rice, or noodles, you get the idea. Just like that you have another fast, easy nutritious meal.




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