The history of cobbler is buried somewhere in the depths of antiquity. What is considered a “proper”cobbler is hotly debated from region to region and town to town. Batter or biscuit, crumb or pie crust will depend on how  and where you were brought up. Seriously folks, without a doubt many a kitchen argument about the subject has  ended more than a few friendships. My kitchen is flexible, it’s whatever I have on hand and what I fancy at the time.

What we can all agree on is that cobbler comes close to a religion in the south. Summer Sundays are long, fruit is abundant and company often drops by unexpectedly. Cobblers have always been the go to quick desert in southern kitchens.  Offer up a serving with a glass of sweet tea on a shady porch and start building your own legend for impromptu hospitality! This recipe is a bit more complex than most cobblers but pre cooking the peaches, the richness of the buttermilk and the crunchy bits of pecan will elevate your cobbler to gossip worthy status. So break out the ice cream maker and celebrate the best that summer has to offer.

For the candied pecans
1 cup chopped pecans
2 TBSP brown sugar
1 TBSP butter

In a non stick skillet over medium heat melt together butter and brown sugar until smooth and bubbly. Add the chopped pecans and stirring frequently cook about 5 minutes until the nuts are glazed and toasted – be careful, they will burn easily. Transfer to a parchment lined plate and allow to cool. If you want a garnish make a double batch and reserve ½ of them to sprinkle on top of the ice cream when serving.

For the cobbler
4 cups peaches, peeled and sliced ½ to ¾ inch thick
2 cups sugar, divided
1/3 cup water
1 stick unsalted butter
1 1/2 cups self-rising flour
1 cup whole milk
2/3 cup whole milk buttermilk ( may substitute ½ cup milk with 1 tsp vinegar)
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp salt
Ground cinnamon to sprinkle on top

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine the peaches, 1 cup sugar, nutmeg, salt and water in a saucepan and mix well. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat.
Put the butter in a 13 x 9 baking dish and place in oven to melt.
Mix remaining 1 cup sugar with flour and mix well. Slowly add buttermilk and milk to prevent clumping. This will make a thin batter about the consistency of pancake batter. Pour mixture evenly over the melted butter. Do not stir. Spoon fruit on top, then sprinkle on the 1 cup of candied pecans. gently pour the remaining syrup from the peaches over the top, distributing it evenly. Sprinkle top with ground cinnamon, if desired. Batter will rise to top during baking. Bake for 45 – 55 minutes or until the top is lighty browned and pulled away from the sides of the pan a bit.
To serve, scoop into a bowl and serve with vanilla ice cream, top with additional candied pecans if desired.

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