Valley Brook Farms

I spent the afternoon yesterday helping my friend, Andrea Davis of Valley Brook Farms,  at the Annual Pepperfest in Chapel Hill, NC. She has a start up business making pickles, jams and jellies for sale at local farmers markets and specialty stores. Andrea and her family own a small farm where much of the fruit for her products is produced. She relies on other local farmers for the remainder of her produce to ensure freshness and quality.
Anyone who knows me knows I am a home canner, gardener and fresh is best advocate. Well here’s a clue – I would purchase her products in a heartbeat. They are not inexpensive – that is not the intention. They are hand crafted, by her, one jar at a time, all using fresh, local ingredients. She has some unusual flavor combinations and some hard to find items – like pickled garlic – which sold out by the way.
So if your taste buds demand the best or you are looking for a special gift for the person who has everything head on over to her Facebook page, Valley Brook Farms to find a list of stores and markets where  her products are available.

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