
I am not a professional chef, horticulturist, home economist or a specialist in any subject. Neither I or my food comes with a pedigree. I am a grandmother, a backyard gardener, canner, cook, baker, nutritionist, homemaker and part time nurse. I typically don’t follow trends in either cooking, gardening or home management. I prefer to follow my own inclinations, taking that intuitive leap and chasing the harvest as it suits me.

I  love every aspect of food production and household and garden management. It continues to be a lifelong journey. I have gardening and cooking memories back to the age of 4 when I learned to make manure tea and discovered I didn’t like maraschino cherries – not on the same day thankfully.

This blog is my attempt to help others find a successful balance between the modern world and the pleasures and joys of a simple life. The pleasure of a ripe tomato, hot from the sun, fresh from the vine, needing no ornamentation other than its own glowing skin. The joy of starting seeds on a windowsill when winter still has us in its chilly grip. The knowledge that the smell of freshly baked bread, warm from the oven, will unite a family around a table as surely as a feast. The satisfaction of going to the pantry on a snowy day and opening a jar of summer fresh vegetable soup  from your lovingly tended garden.

This is my mission, to change the world one person, one home, one garden and one meal at a time.